My name is Sanaa India, but I go by Sanaa. I was born in Killeen, Texas and raised in Virginia Beach, Virginia and the neighboring city, Norfolk, Virginia.  Some of my favorite things to do include: unwinding while painting with acrylics, watching Disney movies (one of my favorites is Tangled ), and spending time with my family. Creating art has always been one of my favorite activities, so growing up it was easy for me to see the art in everything like the clouds, the way the grass moved, the beautiful murals all around, even in the stick figures I drew with sidewalk chalk. I feel that my name is poetic justice in a sense because it means “art,” and I see myself as a lover of art and an artist.  The older I grew the more I began to see art in new ways like in powerful and poetic words spoken by book characters, activists, and leaders I admired. The beautiful, artistic words sparked a light in me and led to my passion for activism and furthered my love of art. Art and activism go hand in hand in my opinion, because I see art as a wonderful form of expression. Whether the meaning is subtle or bold, it portrays the perspective of an artist’s mind. This is why the art I choose to create is vibrant and colorful, because I choose to see this world as promising.